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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1! As the children move from the EYFS into Key Stage 1, early emphasis is put on ensuring there is a smooth and graduated transition into the national curriculum. 

Here you will find lots of information regarding the Year 1 curriculum, including how you can support your children at home. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact the school office or speak to one of the Year 1 team. 

Meet the Team

Mr Warden is the Year 1 teacher, and is supported by Mrs Connor and Mrs Taylor. 

Our Classroom

Support at Home


Children will bring home 3 books each week:

  • Learn to Read Book: Your child will read this confidently and it matches the phonics they have been learning in school that week
  • Shared Reader Book: Closely matches your child’s current phonics learning but they will need some support with sounds they may not have learnt yet – to be read together and with support from you
  • Love to Read Book: A book chosen by your child from the library to share together at home

We would love to see at least 3 reads per week recorded in your child’s reading record. You can of course log other reads from perhaps your library book or even your own books but the ‘Learn to Read’ book is the one we really want to see logged. Reading with and encouraging your child to read is one of the most important things you can do to help at home. We will keep a weekly check of who is reading at least 3 times per week, please do let us know if you want any further support.


The words sent home in the spelling logs give the children a chance to practice the phoneme or spelling rule that we have been focusing on during the week in our phonics sessions. Please don’t feel like you must practice the words in the book- if the children would prefer to practice them in a different way then that is fine.

Another important element to our spelling work is learning to read and spell common exception or red words. These words may not follow the focus sound and spelling rules we have been working on and we need to work hard to remember them. These are stuck both in your child’s reading record and spelling log.

Number Facts

Developing strong mental maths strategies is essential for children to progress successfully through the KS1 curriculum. In school, we have time daily devoted to teaching and developing key number facts. These include doubling and halving, counting into multiples of 2, 5 and 10, number bonds to 10 and 20 and finding one more or one less than a given number. Any support with this at home would be greatly appreciated, and if you would like any specific activities please don't hesitate to ask. 

Home Learning

Home Learning is encouraged so that your child can share with you some of the knowledge and skills learnt in school as well as allow them to learn more and follow their own areas of interest. It can also help your child to become more involved in the learning and become more independent with their thinking. A sheet of suggested ideas is sent home each half term, but these are merely suggestions and we much prefer the children to have their own ideas! The children can then bring in what they have done to share with their peers.

Meet the Teacher: September 2024

Autumn 2

Coming soon...

Spring 1

Coming soon...

Spring 2

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Summer 1

Coming soon...

Summer 2

Coming soon...