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Enrichment Blog

Please see how we have enriched our curriculum. If you have any ways that you could support with enrichment activities, please let us know!

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  • Year 3 Titanic Artefacts- 15th May

    Published 19/05/23, by Lucy Richards

    As part of our history learning journey this half-term, Year 3 have been learning about the Titanic. We have been fortunate to be able to rent a box of artefacts from the Sea City Museum in Southampton to help us understand what life on the Titanic would have been like. We used the different artefacts to discuss questions around continuity and change and how life is similar and different now than in the past.

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  • KS2 Tri-Golf Event- 15th May

    Published 19/05/23, by Lucy Richards

    On Monday 15th May, 20 children from Year 3 and Year 4 visited Broadstone Middle School to take part in a tri-golf event. All of the children were a credit to the school, showing great teamwork and sportsmanship. After taking part in lots of different activities, the results showed we had come in 3rd place! Well done to all involved.

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  • AFCB Football Sessions- 15th May

    Published 19/05/23, by Lucy Richards

    During the Spring 2 and Summer 1 half terms, we have been fortunate to welcome coaches form AFC Bournemouth into school weekly to lead football sessions. They have worked with all classes, focusing on the key skills of passing, moving, dribbling and shooting. We ended our sessions with a game against our friends where we could put all of our practice into action!

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  • MYTIME Assembly- 11th May

    Published 11/05/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, we welcomed Emma from MYTIME Young Carers into school to do our assembly about her role at the charity and tell us about what a young carer is. We learnt about who young carers are and what they do, thinking about how this might impact their life. 

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  • Dogs Trust Workshops- 9th May

    Published 10/05/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, we were so lucky to welcome Vicky (and her toy dog Sam!) from Dogs Trust into school. She firstly did an assembly where she taught us how to keep safe around dogs, whether we like dogs or not. She gave us lots of different strategies to help us if we feel anxious. We then all had a class workshop where we learnt more about how to look after dogs and how to behave around dogs to make sure they are calm and happy.

    Thank you so much to Vicky for visiting our school and teaching us so much about dogs and the work she does for the charity!

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  • KS2 Coronation Tea Party- 4th May

    Published 05/05/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, the children in Year 3 and 4 have prepared and run their own coronation tea party. They children spent the morning making a selection of different sandwiches and scones to enjoy during the afternoon.

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  • Year 2 Pirate Workshop- 4th May

    Published 04/05/23, by Lucy Richards

    Year 2 had a great morning this morning, welcoming the Poole Museum into school to support our History learning journey about pirates and smugglers. They learnt all about the different parts of a ship, the roles of each member on a ship and retold the story of Harry Paye. 

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  • EYFS/KS1 Coronation Tea Party- 3rd May

    Published 04/05/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, children in Foundation and KS1 had their coronation tea party with their grown ups. The children spent the day making sandwiches, icing biscuits, making bunting and making crowns ready for the tea party. They then enjoyed spending time on the field during the afternoon with their grown ups and younger siblings celebrating the King's upcoming coronation.

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  • Open the Book- 28th April

    Published 03/05/23, by Lucy Richards

    For the last 2 Fridays, we have been lucky to welcome members of a local Church into school to tell and act out some Bible stories for us to support our Christianity learning within our RE curriculum. 

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  • Easter Egg Hunt- 31st March

    Published 31/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    This afternoon, we all took part in the annual Easter Egg Hunt! We had to find letters that made a secret word and also find eggs and work out what animal they came from. When we had checked our answers, we were given the final clue to find the eggs which we could then take home.

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  • Easter Cooking- 31st March

    Published 31/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, all children across the school took part in some Easter cooking to make products ready for our Easter fair. We thought carefully about hygiene and made sure that we washed our hands carefully. Thank you to Mrs Loder, Miss Gibbons and Mrs Holleyman for organising and running this. 

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  • Year 3 and 4 Book Share- 30th March

    Published 30/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    After school today, Year 3 and Year 4 had the chance to share their learning from this half term with their grown ups. The children took real pride in sharing with their grown ups all that they had done and learnt over the last 6 weeks. Thank you to all the parents who came to share the children's learning with them.

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