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Enrichment Blog

Please see how we have enriched our curriculum. If you have any ways that you could support with enrichment activities, please let us know!

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  • Wessex Water Workshop- 28th March

    Published 28/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, we were very fortunate to welcome Tim from Wessex Water into school. We firstly had a whole school assembly where we spoke about where water comes from and how the water on Earth travels in a cycle. We thought carefully about how precious water is and how we can help not to waste it. We looked at the urban water cycle and how water treatment plants help to clean water for us to use.

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  • KS2 Church Visit- 27th March

    Published 28/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, KS2 were invited to St Nicholas’ Church to take part in a series of activities to help us learn about the Easter story and why this is a significant celebration for Christians. We started by watching a LEGO video of the Easter story and then split into 6 groups for our sessions. Each group took part in each activity about a different part of the Easter story and reflected on how this could relate to us. We were very lucky to be given a palm cross and egg full of jellybeans for us to take home.

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  • Year 2 Parent Share- 27th March

    Published 28/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, Year 2 had the chance to share their learning with their families. The children read some of their own writing, performed a selection of different poems and played their drumming composition. What a fabulous performance! It was lovely to see the children have the opportunity to share their amazing learning from this term- thank you to all the parents/carers who could make it.

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  • Year 4 Residential to Lesson House- 20th/21st March

    Published 22/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    This week, the Year 4 children went on their residential to Leeson House. We started at Corfe Castle and had a great tour and drama activities, discovering the history and significance of the place. We then had to walk back to Langton and got rather wet!!! Once we arrived at Leeson House, we unpacked and made our beds before having dinner. We then had time to play some board games and watch a film before going to bed. In the morning, we had to pack and clean our rooms and have breakfast. Luckily, the weather was better so we could go outside and do some pond dipping, minibeast hunting and play some team games.

    The Year 4 children were absolutely incredible throughout the whole visit, and were a credit to themselves, their families and the school. Well done Year 4- we are so proud of you all :) 

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  • Year 1 Parent Share- 20th March

    Published 22/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, Year 1 had the chance to share their learning with their families. The children acted out the book 'The tiger who came to tea' by Judith Kerr, sang the song 'The Bear Necessities' and performed a poem as a class. What a fabulous performance! It was lovely to see the children have the opportunity to share their amazing learning from this term- thankyou to all the parents/carers who could make it.

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  • Red Nose Day- 17th March

    Published 17/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, we have celebrated Red Nose Day, raising money for Comic Relief. Our school council set us the challenge of making our own red nose designs, and we then voted for the winners. The school council then presented the winners with their prize in assembly at the end of the day- thank you to everyone who took part and made their own nose! We also had a non-uniform day and were challenged to wear as much red as possible.

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  • British Science Week- 13th-17th March

    Published 16/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    This week, we have been celebrating British Science Week. We started the week with an assembly all about Science, discovering how wide a subject Science is. We spoke about what good scientists are and created a list of qualities- we noticed these were similar to our learning lilypads! Throughout the week, we have discovered the work of famous scientists and engineers, thinking about why they are significant to us now. 

    If you want to do any more Science at home, follow the link to the British Science Week activity packs: Activity packs - British Science Week

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  • RNLI Visit- 15th March

    Published 15/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    This afternoon, we have been lucky to welcome the RNLI into school to deliver assemblies. They spoke about their job and how we can keep ourselves safe on the beach and around water. They taught us the 4 rules to be safe and have fun:

    1. Stop and Think

    2. Stay Together

    3. Float

    4. Call 999 or 112

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  • Samba Performance- 14th March

    Published 15/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    Year 3 had their Samba performance this morning to their grown ups, Year 2 and Year 4. They did an awesome job of sharing their groove with lots of different breaks. The audience even had to join in with clapping some of the patterns! A huge thank you to all of the adults who came to watch our performance, as well as Mr Whitmarsh from the Dorset Music Service for all of his support over the 10 week programme!

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  • Foundation Parent Share- 13th March

    Published 15/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, Foundation had their parent share to celebrate all of their learning this term. They performed their text map of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', showed their symmetrical butterfly patterns and explained how they were looking after their cress plants. The children then had the chance to share their learning journeys with their adults- what a super afternoon!

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  • NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe- 9th March

    Published 09/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    This afternoon, we all took part in the NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe programme. We looked at how we can keep ourselves safe and what we should do if we do not feel safe. The programme helped us to understand:

    • abuse in all its forms and how to recognise signs of abuse
    • that abuse is never a our fault and that we have the right to be safe
    • where to get help and the sources of help available to us

    The assemblies, which featured Ant and Dec, supported us to feel empowered - knowing how we can speak out and stay safe. We then took part in some activities that helped us to identify who we have in our lives that we could talk to if we feel worried or unsafe.

    With the help of the mascot, Buddy the speech bubble, we know we have the right to:

    • speak out and be heard
    • be safe
    • get help when they need it
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  • World Book Day- 3rd March

    Published 03/03/23, by Lucy Richards

    This week, we have been celebrating World Book Week. We have taken part in lots of different activities and events throughout the week. On Monday, we split up into our colour teams and spent time reading to children in different year groups. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the staff from around the school swapped classrooms and read to different classes. On Friday, we came into school in fancy dress as our favourite book characters. We also all brought in a book for the book swap, raised money for new reading books by taking part in a read-a-thon and designed our own bookmarks for a school competition. In the next couple of weeks, we have a book fair visiting our school where we can use our world book day tokens. What an amazing week- thankyou to Mrs Dawson for all of her time in organising it for us!

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