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Enrichment Blog

Please see how we have enriched our curriculum. If you have any ways that you could support with enrichment activities, please let us know!

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  • School Council Drop in- 9th February

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, the school council set up a drop in where they were on hand to listen to feedback about how we could make our school an even better place. Something they have been working on is re-painting the ball wall- here is the email we sent to a parent who has offered to help us:

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  • Internet Safety Day- 7th February

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, we celebrated E-Safety Day as a school. 

    As part of our internet safety curriculum, we celebrated E-Safety Day 2023. This year’s theme was ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. The theme really puts children at the forefront, encouraging them to talk about how they use the internet and having a voice on the safety curriculum they receive.  

    Each class completed a range of activities throughout the day with the aim of answering the following questions: 

    • What issues really matter to our children? 
    • What changes do they want to see? 
    • How can we all work together to advocate for them moving forward? 
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  • Children's Mental Health Week- 6th February

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Place2Be's Children's Mental Health Week 2023 is taking place from 6th-12th February 2023. This year's theme is Let's Connect. Throughout the week, we will be thinking about what keeps our minds happy and healthy and what we can do and who we can speak to if we need help. All the children will be completing an activity during the week which will be displayed throughout the school.

    Look at examples of our work below, where we thought carefully about people that we can trust and speak to if we need help:

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  • Year 3 Parent Share- 6th February

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    It was the turn of Year 3 for their parent share this afternoon! They shared their Iron Man poetry aloud, their funky times tables rap and sang a song that they learnt in Music! They then shared their learning from the term so far with their parents/carers- well done Year 3!

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  • Badminton Bonanza- 3rd February

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    A group of 10 Year 4 children visited Corfe Hills today to take part in a badminton bonanza. They had a great time playing a sport that lots of them hadn't done before. Mrs Harmon explained how they children were a credit to Henbury- well done all!

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  • Year 4 Parent Share- 30th January

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Year 4 had their parent share this afternoon where they invited their parent/carers in to share their learning. The children performed a Roman dance and song and read out some of their soldier diary entries. They then challenged their parents to predict what each of the artefacts was.

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  • Roman Artefacts- 16th January

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    This week, we arranged to loan a box of Roman artefacts from the East Dorset Museum. It was great to handle real Roman artefacts and think about different types of sources that help us learn about the past.

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  • Dance Festival- 13th January

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, 8 children from Year 4 visited Cornerstones Academy for a dance festival. They worked well as a team to create a group dance and concentrated carefully to follow expert dancers. They then had the opportunity to bust some moves!

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  • X-Mas Lunch- 14th December

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today was our Christmas lunch- the kitchen staff cooked and served our lunches perfectly and we enjoyed pulling crackers and singing Christmas songs!

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  • Christmas Box Appeal- 1st December

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    We welcomed into school members of our local community to share the Christmas Shoe Box appeal 2022. They shared where the shoe boxes will end up and how they will impact children around the world. Here are just some of the shoeboxes that were generously filled up!

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  • Dodgeball Taster- 12th December

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    We were lucky today to welcome 360 Degree Sports into school to deliver dodgeball sessions to all year groups, ready for a new after school club starting after Christmas. 

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  • X-Mas Fair- 9th December

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    We had a fabulous Christmas Fair organised by the Friends of Henbury, with lots of stall, food and even Father Christmas in his grotto. We raised an amazing £1600 which will be used to benefit the education of all of our children. It was also Christmas jumper day; it was lovely to see the range of different jumpers on show!

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