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Enrichment Blog

Please see how we have enriched our curriculum. If you have any ways that you could support with enrichment activities, please let us know!

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  • Nativity- 8th/9th December

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    We performed our Christmas nativity at St Nicolas' Church on the evening of Thursday 8th and the morning of Friday 9th December. We all looked dashing in our costumes and put on 2 fabulous performances. It was lovely to perform in front of our families again after 3 years not doing so because of COVID. Special thanks to the vicar Jane who welcomed us into her Church.

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  • Singing- 5th December

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, we invited in elderly members of our community from our local Church and sang our Christmas nativity songs. We also served them tea and cake. It was lovely to welcome the 'Sunshine Group' into school for the afternoon.

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  • Year 4 Lockyers Visit- 2nd December

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, Year 4 visited Lockyers Middle School for an afternoon of fun activities. We did some cooking and some African drumming. Here are some reviews from the children:


    Our trip to Lockyers last week was amazing! I did cooking group and it was so fun because I’ve never seen a big cookery room because we don’t have one. Our group made oat and raisins cookie. It was delicious and the people were nice.

    Olivia G


    I absolutely loved our trip to Lockyers! I did music, we played the African Drums. It was so amazing because you got to learn a new skill! We even played the Peppa Pig theme tune. I would definitely definitely go there again and the people were lovely.


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  • Year 3 Winchester Science Museum- 2nd December

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    On 2nd December, Year 3 visited Winchester Science Museum. Here is a recount of the day written by the children:

    Last Friday, 2nd December, we went to Winchester Science Museum on our school trip. We went there on a coach and when we got there, we saw lots of different science experiments. It was amazing! First, we had a workshop where we wrote lines of code to programme little Crumble robots. We then had a chance to explore the bottom floor of the museum that was all about space. After lunch, we spent some time looking at the top floor of the museum. We enjoyed using pulleys to move bricks with a crane, used Lego to build earthquake-proof buildings and played the strings of a giant guitar. Finally, we went into the planetarium and saw all of the constellations and planets on the ceiling. It was such an awesome day!

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  • Pantomime- 24th November

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    We had a fabulous afternoon today as we all were in the audience for a Christmas Panto! We listened to the story of 'Goldilocks and the 3 Bears'- it was really funny! Here is a review from our Year 4 children:

    It was very funny. The only concern was it was a bit too loud. Goldilocks was very pretty and Kentucky the singing chicken was seriously hilarious! They enjoyed it very much. There was lots of booing Gerty Grump when she came on stage. Rein the Reindeer was crazy when he led Goldilocks to the sweet shop and I nearly lost my voice shouting about Slippery Sid. Everybody in year 4 was doing Billy Whoop’s leg up thing after the pantomime. Kentucky was absolutely hilarious. I put this twice because he was so funny. I really liked Slippery Sid when they said ‘Row, row, row your boat’ and when he chased Goldilocks and Billy Whoops. I liked ‘I’m Still Standing’ at the end.

    Thankyou so much to the Friends of Henbury for organising this event!

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  • Children in Need- 18th November

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    On 18th November, we raised money for Children in Need. We all came into school wearing spotty clothes and thought of different ways that we could help raise money. We discussed as classes the role of charities and how these help people who are less fortunate in our society. 

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  • Anti-Bullying Week- 14th November

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    This week, we have been celebrating Anti-Bullying Week. We have thought carefully about what bullying is and how the choices we make can impact others. We all discussed people that we trust that we can speak to if we think bullying is happening. We all came to school on Friday with odd socks on!

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  • Year 4 Multiskills- 4th November

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, 8 children from Year 4 went to Parkstone Grammar School for a LKS2 multi-skills festival. They showed excelled sporting values to participate in lots of different activities and worked as a great team.

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  • Fire Engine Visit- 11th October

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Foundation and Year 2 were visited today by the local fire service. Firemen came in and spoke about their job and how they help people keep safe. The children got to go out to the fire engine, get inside, try on the uniform and even fire the hose!

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  • Library Assembly- 11th October

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, we were lucky to welcome Jessica from Corfe Mullen library. She shared with us who had completed the summer reading challenge and have out certificates. She also spoke to us about events coming up at the library that we could visit with our families. 

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  • Harvest Festival- 5th October

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    We welcomed our parents/carers into school this afternoon to celebrate Harvest. We were fortunate to have the reverend from the local Church join us to give thanks for the harvest this year. Each class sand a song and we collected food to take to our local food bank. We have a food bank donation box in our school office all year round for donations.

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  • School Council Assembly- 4th October

    Published 23/02/23, by Lucy Richards

    Today, our Year 4 school councillors spoke to the school during assembly to discuss the upcoming elections for the school council in other year groups. They explained the different qualities a school councillor must have and the commitment you are making if you put yourself forward. We spoke about democracy as one of our British Values as a fair way of choosing our representatives from each class.

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