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At Henbury View First School all staff, governors, visitors and volunteers are expected to observe the principles of safeguarding and promote the welfare of children and young people. All staff at Henbury View First School have read Annexe A, Annexe C and Annexe H of Keeping Children Safe in Education and are aware of their responsibilities. If there is any reason to suspect that a student has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm, staff and visitors must inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately.

Designated safeguarding lead - Mrs S Wall, Headteacher

Deputy designated safeguarding lead - Mr D Saunders, Assistant Headteacher

Pastoral care lead - Mrs S Saunders

Anti-bullying champion - Mrs A-M Hunt

E-Safety champion - Mr D Saunders

Safeguarding governor - Mrs E Samways

If you have any concerns about the safety or well being of a child, please speak to a member of staff in confidence.

If you think a child is at risk of significant harm, please contact the DORSET CHAD (Children's Advice and Duty Service) 01305 838125 or the Out of Hours Service 01305 228558.

If you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way in which someone has been communicating with you, please report it.

Alternatively use the NSPCC helpline 0808 8005000

If you have a safeguarding concern regarding a member of staff or volunteer at Henbury View First School, please speak to the headteacher in confidence.

If you have a safeguarding concern regarding the headteacher, please speak to Ruth Davies at Hamwic Education Trust on 02380 786833