Inclusion is extremely important to us at Henbury View First School and is an integral part of our school ethos. Please find below information regarding our approach to inclusion across the school:
Graduated Response for support and intervention
The following tool, outlining the graduated phases of provision available to all pupils. It is primarily a monitoring tool to ensure that all pupils receive appropriate provision according to need. You can use the tool in the following ways:
- To break down the three stages of provision (universal, targeted and identified SEND) to further refine the graduated approach
- To assess all pupils against the five stages to ensure appropriate provision
- To check the accuracy of the school’s SEND Register
- To ensure class teachers are responsible for the provision of all learners, including those pupils with SEND
- To outline and communicate expectations for different stages of provision
- To clarify assessment and monitoring systems at different stages and who is responsible
- To enable senior leaders to check provision for identified pupils as part of pupil progress meetings
- To provide early intervention to prevent pupils from developing a special educational need
- To clarify provision where lack of progress for individual pupils is causing concern
- To ensure that additional support is time limited and rooted in a cycle of Assess Plan Do Review, in line with the SEND Code of Practice.
- To ensure that all pupils are monitored closely and no pupil ‘falls through the net’.
If you would like to discuss any matter relating to SEND please contact Mrs Sally Wall (SENCo) at the school.
Dorset County Council’s Family Information Service can be viewed using the following link: Education and Early Help (SEND) Team - Dorset Council
Dorset Sendiass offers impartial, confidential, accurate and free information, advice and support to Dorset children, young people (0-25) and their families, including children with additional needs:
- T. 01305 595477
Please click on the link here for the SEN Parent Leaflet which gives you more information about the school's approach to SEN and inclusion. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school office